
id fc841cb3-09c2-480b-8c7c-1a7f2f52ad70
name Abhishek Tiwari
dob 04 Oct 1989
role Batting Allrounder
battingstyle Right Handed Bat
bowlingstyle Right-arm legbreak
country India
pob --

Series played in

Series Matches Date/Time
Vijay Hazare Trophy 2022
136 ODIs
23 Feb 2022

Matches played in

Match Venue Date/Time
odi  Mizoram vs Services JSCA International Stadium Complex, Ranchi 23 Nov 2022
odi  Bengal vs Services Metallurgical and Engineering Consultant Ltd Sail Stadium, Ranchi 21 Nov 2022
odi  Maharashtra vs Services JSCA Oval Ground, Ranchi 19 Nov 2022
odi  Railways vs Services JSCA Oval Ground, Ranchi 17 Nov 2022
odi  Puducherry vs Services JSCA Oval Ground, Ranchi 15 Nov 2022
odi  Mumbai vs Services Metallurgical and Engineering Consultant Ltd Sail Stadium, Ranchi 13 Nov 2022