
id 69486b43-f758-4ec8-b6d4-ee9539635d32
name Danielle Murphy
role Batsman
battingstyle Right Handed Bat
country Isle of Man
pob --

Series played in

Series Matches Date/Time
Guernsey Women vs Isle of Man Women, 2024
3 T20s
05 May 2024
Womens Continental Cup 2023
8 T20s
04 Aug 2023
Isle of Man Women in Austria, 2023
3 T20s
30 Jul 2023
Womens Pentangular Series in Spain 2022
12 T20s
11 Nov 2022

Matches played in

Match Venue Date/Time
t20  Isle of Man Women vs Guernsey Women Norman Edwards Memorial Ground, Winchester 06 May 2024
t20  Isle of Man Women vs Guernsey Women Norman Edwards Memorial Ground, Winchester 05 May 2024
t20  Isle of Man Women vs Guernsey Women Norman Edwards Memorial Ground, Winchester 05 May 2024
t20  Isle of Man Women vs Greece Women Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground, Ilfov County 06 Aug 2023
t20  Isle of Man Women vs Malta Women Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground, Ilfov County 05 Aug 2023
t20  Romania Women vs Isle of Man Women Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground, Ilfov County 04 Aug 2023
t20  Greece Women vs Isle of Man Women Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground, Ilfov County 04 Aug 2023
t20  Austria Women vs Isle of Man Women Seebarn Cricket Ground, Seebarn 31 Jul 2023
t20  Austria Women vs Isle of Man Women Seebarn Cricket Ground, Seebarn 30 Jul 2023
t20  Austria Women vs Isle of Man Women Seebarn Cricket Ground, Seebarn 30 Jul 2023
t20  Isle of Man Women vs Sweden Women Desert Springs Cricket Ground, Almeria 14 Nov 2022
t20  Isle of Man Women vs Italy Women Desert Springs Cricket Ground, Almeria 13 Nov 2022
t20  Spain Women vs Isle of Man Women Desert Springs Cricket Ground, Almeria 12 Nov 2022
t20  Isle of Man Women vs Norway Women Desert Springs Cricket Ground, Almeria 12 Nov 2022
t20  Isle of Man Women vs Sweden Women Desert Springs Cricket Ground, Almeria 11 Nov 2022