
id 70399fc8-82c0-4997-b8e1-9c33a9f5f003
name Gwen Bloemen
role Batsman
battingstyle Right Handed Bat
country Netherlands
pob --

Series played in

Series Matches Date/Time
Netherlands Women tour of Thailand, 2022
4 ODIs 4 T20s
19 Nov 2022
Ireland Women tour of Netherlands, 2022
3 ODIs
22 Aug 2022

Matches played in

Match Venue Date/Time
t20  Thailand Women vs Netherlands Women Royal Chiangmai Golf Club, Chiang Mai 03 Dec 2022
t20  Thailand Women vs Netherlands Women Royal Chiangmai Golf Club, Chiang Mai 02 Dec 2022
t20  Thailand Women vs Netherlands Women Royal Chiangmai Golf Club, Chiang Mai 30 Nov 2022
t20  Thailand Women vs Netherlands Women Royal Chiangmai Golf Club, Chiang Mai 29 Nov 2022
odi  Thailand Women vs Netherlands Women Royal Chiangmai Golf Club, Chiang Mai 26 Nov 2022
odi  Thailand Women vs Netherlands Women Royal Chiangmai Golf Club, Chiang Mai 24 Nov 2022
odi  Thailand Women vs Netherlands Women Royal Chiangmai Golf Club, Chiang Mai 22 Nov 2022
odi  Thailand Women vs Netherlands Women Prem Tinsulanonda International School, Chiang Mai 20 Nov 2022
odi  Netherlands Women vs Ireland Women Sportpark Westvliet, The Hague 26 Aug 2022
odi  Netherlands Women vs Ireland Women VRA Cricket Ground, Amstelveen 24 Aug 2022
odi  Netherlands Women vs Ireland Women VRA Cricket Ground, Amstelveen 22 Aug 2022