
id 0d750698-38a7-4b90-a178-44b4e793be06
name JT Langridge
dob 03 Nov 2005
role Bowler
battingstyle Left Handed Bat
bowlingstyle Left-arm medium
country England
pob Plymouth, Devon,

Series played in

Series Matches Date/Time
Quadrangular U19 Series in India 2023
5 ODIs
13 Nov 2023
England Domestic One-Day Cup 2023
01 Aug 2022

Matches played in

Match Venue Date/Time
odi  England U19 vs Bangladesh U19 Chukkapalli Pitchaiah Cricket Ground, Mulapadu, Vijayawada 27 Nov 2023
odi  Bangladesh U19 vs England U19 Devineni Venkata Ramana Praneetha Ground, Mulapadu, Vijayawada 24 Nov 2023
odi  India U19 A vs England U19 Devineni Venkata Ramana Praneetha Ground, Mulapadu, Vijayawada 22 Nov 2023
odi  India U19 B vs England U19 Devineni Venkata Ramana Praneetha Ground, Mulapadu, Vijayawada 20 Nov 2023
odi  Bangladesh U19 vs England U19 Devineni Venkata Ramana Praneetha Ground, Mulapadu, Vijayawada 17 Nov 2023
odi  India U19 A vs England U19 Chukkapalli Pitchaiah Cricket Ground, Mulapadu, Vijayawada 15 Nov 2023
odi  India U19 B vs England U19 Chukkapalli Pitchaiah Cricket Ground, Mulapadu, Vijayawada 13 Nov 2023
  Derbyshire vs Somerset County Ground, Derby 22 Aug 2023
  Somerset vs Glamorgan The Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton 20 Aug 2023
  Durham vs Somerset Roseworth Terrace, Gosforth 17 Aug 2023
  Gloucestershire vs Somerset County Ground, Bristol 13 Aug 2023
  Somerset vs Sussex The Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton 11 Aug 2023
  Northamptonshire vs Somerset County Ground, Northampton 09 Aug 2023
  Somerset vs Worcestershire The Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton 06 Aug 2023
  Somerset vs Warwickshire The Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton 04 Aug 2023