
id b1f099a4-c7f5-4448-8949-3946aef6e7f3
name Kamal Raja
role Batsman
battingstyle Right Handed Bat
country Singapore
pob --

Series played in

Series Matches Date/Time
Myanmar Women tour of Singapore 2023
24 Aug 2023
Singapore Women tour of Indonesia, 2022
6 T20s
04 Nov 2022

Matches played in

Match Venue Date/Time
  Singapore Women vs Myanmar Women Indian Association Ground, Singapore 27 Aug 2023
  Singapore Women vs Myanmar Women Indian Association Ground, Singapore 26 Aug 2023
  Singapore Women vs Myanmar Women Indian Association Ground, Singapore 24 Aug 2023
t20  Indonesia Women vs Singapore Women Udayana Cricket Ground, Bali 09 Nov 2022
t20  Indonesia Women vs Singapore Women Udayana Cricket Ground, Bali 08 Nov 2022
t20  Indonesia Women vs Singapore Women Udayana Cricket Ground, Bali 07 Nov 2022
t20  Indonesia Women vs Singapore Women Udayana Cricket Ground, Bali 06 Nov 2022
t20  Indonesia Women vs Singapore Women Udayana Cricket Ground, Bali 05 Nov 2022
t20  Indonesia Women vs Singapore Women Udayana Cricket Ground, Bali 04 Nov 2022