
id 977b55d6-b27a-4d98-9c13-64bd36c33fb6
name Parveen Kumar
dob 17 Feb 1994
role Batting Allrounder
battingstyle Right Handed Bat
bowlingstyle Right-arm medium
country Finland
pob --

Series played in

Series Matches Date/Time
Estonia tour of Finland, 2022
2 T20s
19 Jun 2022
Finland tour of Denmark, 2022
3 T20s
07 May 2022

Matches played in

Match Venue Date/Time
t20  Finland vs Estonia Kerava National Cricket Ground, Kerava 19 Jun 2022
t20  Finland vs Estonia Kerava National Cricket Ground, Kerava 19 Jun 2022
t20  Denmark vs Finland Svanholm Park, Brondby 08 May 2022
t20  Denmark vs Finland Svanholm Park, Brondby 07 May 2022
t20  Denmark vs Finland Svanholm Park, Brondby 07 May 2022